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Regional flood risk map · POI inundation analysis
Ewaters: Regional Flood Risk Mapping  

In modern urban planning and disaster management, accurately predicting and assessing flood risks is crucial. By leveraging advanced modeling techniques and efficient data processing, we have developed a comprehensive regional flood risk map. This tool helps government agencies, urban planners, and businesses better understand and respond to potential flood impacts. 


 Technical Advantages 

Advanced Flood Modeling Techniques: 
  • Utilizing state-of-the-art flood simulation models, we can efficiently and accurately predict flood inundation areas and depths for different recurrence periods (RP20, RP50, RP100, RP200, RP500, RP1500). 

Rapid and Efficient Data Processing: 
  • Employing high-efficiency data processing algorithms, we can quickly handle large volumes of multi-dimensional data, including terrain data, meteorological data, and historical flood data. 

Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis: 
  • Combining various data sources, we perform in-depth analyses of flood impacts on points of interest (POIs) such as medical facilities, educational institutions, and shopping centers, providing a comprehensive risk assessment. 


Intuitive Visualization: 
  • Through pie charts, bar charts, and other visualizations, we clearly display the distribution of flood depths across different POI categories and recurrence periods, making it easier for users to understand and make informed decisions. 


Product Value 

Accurate Risk Assessment: 
  • Helps users accurately assess potential flood impacts, allowing for proactive measures to reduce potential losses. 

Scientific Decision Support: 
  • Provides scientific evidence for urban planning and disaster management, optimizing resource allocation and enhancing emergency response capabilities. 

Enhanced Safety Awareness: 
  • Detailed flood risk maps increase safety awareness among the public and relevant departments, strengthening disaster response capabilities. 

Multi-Sector Application: 
  • Widely applicable across government agencies, real estate development, infrastructure construction, insurance companies, and more, enhancing overall flood prevention and mitigation. 

 Our regional flood risk mapping research has been successfully implemented in several areas, providing strong decision support for local governments and businesses. By using precise modeling techniques and efficient data processing, these clients have been able to preemptively warn of flood risks, optimize urban planning layouts, and effectively protect lives and property. 


If you would like to learn more about our regional flood risk mapping product or have similar needs, please contact us. We are committed to providing you with professional technical support and solutions to enhance flood disaster prevention and mitigation. 

Let's work together to build a safer, smarter future for our cities!