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Analysis of building inundation in urban central business district
Ewaters: Flood Risk Assessment for Whangarei CBD 

Unlocking Insights with Advanced Flood Risk Mapping 

At Ewaters, we leverage cutting-edge technology to provide comprehensive flood risk assessments that empower communities and businesses to make informed decisions. Our recent research in Whangarei Central Business District (CBD) demonstrates the potential of our capabilities. 


Visualize and Analyze Flood Risks 

Using state-of-the-art mapping and data visualization tools, we offer a clear and detailed picture of flood risks in urban areas. Our flood risk maps for Whangarei CBD highlight: 

  • Accurate Flood Depth Analysis: Detailed maps display flood depths across the region, from less than 0.2 meters to more than 2 meters. This granular data helps identify vulnerable areas and plan mitigation strategies effectively. 


  • Impact on Infrastructure: Our visualizations include pie charts and bar graphs that break down the impact of flooding on buildings. Understand which areas and building types are most affected, enabling targeted and efficient risk management. 

  • Flexible Scenario Planning: We provide risk assessments for various return periods (RP20, RP50, RP100, RP200, RP500, RP1500). This allows stakeholders to plan for both frequent and rare flood events, ensuring robust preparedness. 

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Comprehensive and Customizable Solutions 

Our approach is not just about data; it's about providing actionable insights. We use advanced tools such as ArcGIS Online and Power BI to perform detailed analyses and create interactive visualizations that can be tailored to meet specific needs. This enables us to deliver precise and reliable data, ultimately leading to better outcomes for flood management projects. 

Why Choose Ewaters? 

  • Expertise: Our team of experienced hydrologists, modeller, and engineers ensures that our assessments are scientifically sound and practically useful. 

  • Innovative Tools: We utilize the latest in flood modeling and data visualization to provide clear, actionable insights. 

  • Collaborative Approach: We believe in working closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and deliver tailored solutions. 

Research Spotlight: Whangarei CBD 

Our research in Whangarei CBD showcases the depth and precision of our flood risk assessment capabilities. By accurately mapping flood risks and analyzing the impacts on infrastructure, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our methods. This research project exemplifies our ability to handle complex flood risk assessments and deliver high-quality, insightful results. 

Get In Touch 

Discover how Ewaters can help you with your flood risk assessment and management needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in making informed, data-driven decisions to protect your community and infrastructure.