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Intelligent drainage model service project

Project Background and Objectives

Jiaojiang District, situated at the entrance of Taizhou Bay in central coastal of Zhejiang province, spans 280 km2 and houses a population of approximately 570,000. The region boasts marine depositional plains and a significant river, creating a natural harbor. The Jiaojiang River, the largest in Taizhou and the third largest in Zhejiang Province, features a dense and complex water network. During the flood season, the area frequently confronts the "triple threat" of floods, tides, and heavy rainstorms. The rapid pace of urban construction and economic development in recent years has heightened the demand for effective flood risk management and efficient sewage treatment.

This project aims to implement an advanced stormwater and wastewater management system model to conduct comprehensive quantitative analyses and applications. The goal is to shift from traditional "empirical judgment and heuristic analysis" methods to a more sophisticated "quantitative analysis, predictive modeling, and forecasting" paradigm. By leveraging cutting-edge modeling techniques and data analytics, the project aspires to enhance decision-making capabilities, optimize system performance, and effectively mitigate risks.

Main Services

Model Construction

  • Develop a sewage system model covering 111 km2, including both sewage and stormwater networks, as well as gate facilities for a 46 km2 area.
  • Enable analysis of sewage operation characteristics under various conditions, stormwater flood risk analysis, and network operation characteristics analysis.

Real-time Data Analysis

  • Collect and process foundational spatial data from a professional standpoint.
  • Screen, calculate, and analyze extensive interrelated monitoring data to identify the operational patterns of the existing system and diagnose issues within the stormwater and sewage systems.

Drainage System Performance Assessment and Operational Forecast

  •       Use real-time modeling technology to simulate drainage system performance.
  •       Analyze the temporal and spatial patterns of water volume.
  •       Evaluate operational scheduling strategies, develop emergency plans, and provide forecasting support for the sewage system.

Since its implementation, the system has been operating smoothly for approximately two years. It has supported the operational department in managing stormwater risks and minimizing wastewater overflow incidents.